Quunyの紹介文、日英バージョン ナレータ女性も


Quuny music official











Expressing something always means to realize “how that person sees his / her world.” In Quunys case, his song expresses cheerful emotions and encouragements to young people, which describes how he sees the world from his perspective. Note that such messages are not from those of spontaneous nor shallow positive thinking. He has overcome many historical events which fully affected not only Japan but world economy such as rapid economic growth, bubble burst, and financial crisis. He has gone through his careers using computers in the early days of IT which the computers were unfamiliar to majorities like today. The “jolly songs” which he creates reflect what he has experienced. Although young people may write and compose the similar songs, his songs’ values and messages are far beyond theirs. What makes his songs different from others and touching peoples hearts is that, his songs are the acoustic outputs of what he faced his whole lifetime and how he sees this world. Quunys songs reflecting his experiences working worldwide and his various hobbies which nourished his minds, may become a lighthouse to brighten the dark sea of midnight, providing one strong ray of light navigating young people today to better future in this world of uncertainness.






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